Learn more about multidisciplinary collaboration with this important and engaging conversation with representatives from Chicas Poderosas, who will share lessons and challenges from their ongoing work organizing “mediathons” in Mexico, Argentina and Colombia.
Nurturing diversity in participant country-of-origin, age, experience, and knowledge, these events help give space for more inclusive, complex and representative projects to flourish.
This session is designed for:
- Journalists and editors seeking frameworks for multidisciplinary collaboration
- Newsroom leaders who would like to incubate more representative journalism projects
- Anyone who wants to learn more about these unique, international and cross-cultural mediathons

Belén Arce Terceros
Communications and editorial director, Chicas Poderosas
beluarce • Visit Website

Gia Castello
Program Director, Chicas Poderosas
@giacastello • Visit Website

Carla Nudel
Ambassador, Chicas Poderosas