Shindig the magic of in-person events at internet scale
Shindig enables video chat town halls with the full dynamics of in person events. Video chat backstage for preparing guests or prescreening prospective questioners. Podium feature for when you wish to open the floor between prescreening them in private video chat, or opening a podium for to first come first served contributions. And Private video chat to allow participants to mingle, network, discuss and collaborate in their own video groups all while still being able to monitor the proceedings.
Events can be simul-streamed to social media offering a new media model of exclusive participatory subscriber-only events streamed for passive viewing by the general public.
Recordings may be harvested for podcasts and other follow-on exploitations..
The tech also has application to quick online focus groups, video chat news desks for crisis coverage, and news production as well.
For the Next Generation in video chat convening, engagement and production its Shindig.