Hear from CNN’s Chief Technology Officer, Robyn Peterson, on why its the engineers and technologists that hold the keys to saving this industry through building exceptional product and advertising experiences for audiences to find trusted information in a safe place.

Technology has been at the core of journalism distribution since its inception. From the printing press to radio to TV and now the internet, modern media consumption today is changing faster than many media organizations can handle. There has never been a more important time in journalism. We are facing pressure from our users to deliver best-in-class product experiences, competition in the ad market against the big platforms, and attacks on our integrity around the truthfulness of the editorial content we produce. Hear from CNN’s Chief Technology Officer, Robyn Peterson, on why its the engineers and technologists that hold the keys to saving this industry through building exceptional product and advertising experiences for audiences to find trusted information in a safe place.

Suggested Speaker(s)

  • Robyn Peterson
    CTO, CNN Digital, CNN