Pitching your idea to the boss: How to use a product canvas to innovate in the newsroom

Learn how to use a product development framework to create a vision, shared understanding, and the budget for a new story series, tech feature, newsletter, and more!

We’ll share a go-to template to help you and your teams ideate and reach a shared vision for new ideas in news, so you can pitch it to editors, executives and other leaders. Participants will then think of a new idea or a recent project they recently worked on and fill out the canvas on their own (if there are folks from the same organization or passions, feel free to team up). Then we’ll divide into groups to share the results, ask each other questions, and iterate on them to appeal to their teams, and ideas for how you can use this as a new process in newsrooms. We’ll wrap up with sharing some other product development templates and best practices you can bring back to your teams.

Suggested Speaker(s)

  • Gillian Zamora
    Director of Digital Strategy, Alley
  • Sylvia Borowski
    Director of Digital Products, Dallas Morning News