This session will provide best practices for newsrooms to respond to critical election information needs and an opportunity for participants to break into small-group facilitated discussions to dive into local implications for their cities or states. We open with a short presentation from Election SOS outlining how to spot voter suppression and outlining best practices for emergency scenarios that may emerge during the election process. Then, we will break out into groups by geographic area, where ONA Local community leaders will facilitate a discussion about the implications on their particular city or state. Each group will come up with a shared list of practices for coordinating on handling emergency scenarios for attendees to bring back to their newsrooms in preparation for the election, and discussion groups will also be an opportunity for participants to set up channels and plans for collaboration across their regions.
This session is designed for:
- Journalists covering the 2020 U.S. elections for a local journalism outlet
- Journalists who cover elections or civic engagement
- Anyone interested in supporting democratic processes through better elections coverage

Stefanie Murray
Director, Center for Cooperative Media at Montclair State University
StefanieMurray • Visit Website

Jaya Franklin
Communications Manager, Tahirih Justice Center

Anthony Cave
Election SOS Digital Producer, Hearken
Anthony_Cave • Visit Website

Yemile Bucay
Digital Content Producer, Election SOS

Bridget Thoreson
Engagement Manager, Hearken

Jennifer Brandel
SVP + Senior Strategist Election SOS, Hearken / Election SOS
JenniferBrandel • Visit Website