Audience and product strategists have quickly become essential roles inside news organizations, no matter their size and scope. These professionals have the skill sets to build strategy, analyze data, and create cultural change. So how can small/midsize newsrooms—often strapped for time and money—utilize those skill sets?
Join three experts for an illuminating conversation about emerging best practices for audience and product development inside small-midsize newsrooms, and why dozens of newsrooms are already experiencing cultural change through their work.
This session is designed for:
- Audience and product professionals interested in tips, best practices and key criteria
- C-Suite execs seeking to build, bolster or reform their audience and/or product cultures
- Anyone who would like to hear more about emerging best practices around growth and loyalty in news

Evan Mackinder
Director of Audience Development, News Revenue Hub

Alexandra Smith
Director of Growth, WhereBy.Us

Ray Boyd
Deputy Editor for Audience Development, The Philadelphia Inquirer
rayboyddigital • Visit Website

Sibel Lowin
Partnerships Solutions Lead, Google