Bringing climate change and solutions home to your audience

Our session will provide you with the tools and knowledge to make climate change reporting local, immediate, and compelling.

The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates people’s appetite for solid, scientifically-sound information. Impactful climate change stories are everywhere, and demand for these stories continues to grow. In this session, we’ll demonstrate how to tell compelling, local climate stories that resonate with your audience, while also providing access to Climate Matters in the Newsroom resources for attendees to use after the conference.

This session is for:

-Newsrooms that want a deeper dive into the American public’s views and opinions about climate change
-Journalists and news managers ready to expand and deepen their climate change and solutions coverage
-Local media professionals looking for access to local climate change data and resources from the NFS-funded Climate Matters in the Newsroom program

Suggested Speaker(s)

  • Bernadette Woods Placky
    Climate Matters Director, Chief Meteorologist, Climate Central
  • Ed Maibach
    Director, Center for Climate Change Communication, George Mason University