Tackle unconscious bias that can quickly turn an important piece of journalism into an offensive stereotype.
Session Pitches
You can’t do everything: Building your “stop doing” list.
It is unrealistic to expect you or your team can accomplish everything. Stop trying and start prioritizing; learn the best way to sort through priorities and commit to a “stop doing list” for your organization.
Breaking News – Creating Products on the Fly
How to create relevant journalism products to respond to the real-time speed of breaking news reporting.
Beyond voter guides: How journalism can help strengthen democracy
Learn how to move beyond repeated reporting on the problems through a critical examination of efforts that are making progress when it comes to increasing turnout, bolstering security and combating problems like misinformation and gerrymandering.
What Readers Want: 5 Insights To Increase Engagement & Time Spent Reading
If knowledge is power and Insights are the fuel you need to connect with your audience.
Journalism as Products: What it is and how to do it
Learn from experts about how to view journalism from a product perspective and how to be a successful product manager for your journalism venture.
A pandemic does not look the same for everyone; how to accurately cover marginalized communities
This panel features exemplary coverage from local community news outlets that are focused on communities that are not engaged by “traditional” media outlets.
Getting readers to get your back: income via Patreon, Substack and other creator-support platforms
What you need to know about platforms that let your audience pay you for your work, your attention or both–and how they can generate an income stream independent of your usual clients and their advertisers.
Pandemic coverage from all perspectives: making your coverage inclusive
Staying at home, stimulus checks and essential jobs do not look the same for everybody; this panel reminds and teaches journalists how to be inclusive in their coverage, particularly surrounding COVID-19 issues.
Leadership in a series of 2×2 framework
Learn how to apply this powerful yet simple tools to effectively navigate your decision making process for your work projects, products development, team management and personal career.