Face to Face Meet-ups Became an Impossible Way to Connect this Spring, but Education Week’s Online Summits served our readers throughout.
Session Pitches
[BLANK] is the Future of Journalism
The return of the improv-game that showcases the knowledge and brilliance of a diverse panel sharing insights on emerging tech and concepts.
Collaborative Coverage on the Cheap (or Free)
U.S. journalism programs punt amidst Covid-19 shutdowns
Tech platforms and the local news crisis: A policy discussion
A discussion on how policy can help alleviate the local news crisis
Why people give to the news
The latest research on for and non-profit newsrooms
Collaborative Fact Checking 101
A panel discussion between key leaders of collaborative fact checking and election integrity projects from the US and Latin America
How to build revenue, without a paywall
No paywall needed to take revenue back from the platforms
Deep Fakes: How Journalism Can Help
How to discern authenticity of photos or video, and why it matters now even in more innocent-seeming cases.
Rebuilding trust in public debate
Can the fact-checking community lead the efforts in building trust
Speed Skillsharing
Spend six minutes swapping a skill or idea with each of your fellow skillsharers.