As more digital media workers go remote, this interactive speed-dating/small table session will help participants create the best working environment to communicate, to be productive, and to be successful.
Session Pitches
Reporting on the Coronavirus: Lessons Learned
This panel will explore lessons learned from the perspective of four local news sites covering a diverse group of communities, how they’ve handled reporting on the coronavirus while managing shifts in advertising revenue.
How the COVID-19 Pandemic is changing journalism pedagogy
Panelists will share how the pandemic changed their teaching and offer predictions for future higher ed trends.e
Power in the Cohort and Lessons from the Next Wave of Emerging Female Digital News Leaders in Pandemic Times
This sessions offers “be about it” lessons from female emerging digital news leaders implementing change in these pandemic times.
Cultivating Psychological Safety on Intersectional and Remote Teams
In this session, we’ll learn research-based strategies leadership can implement for cultivating psychological safety, promoting equity, and driving peak performance across an intersection of identities.
Covering Marginalized Communities With An Ethic of Solidarity
Solidarity offers a concrete set of tools and techniques for journalists to use when covering ongoing (often distressing) issues that marginalized communities endure — without exhausting their audiences or themselves.
Lessons learned for managers and parents and manager-parents during the coronavirus pandemic
Being a journalist, parent, teacher and partner is hard when we’re all working from home – let’s come together as a group to find solutions since we can’t be everything to everyone all at once.
Welcome to the first social media Pandemic: How is Media Literacy faring in the Fight against Misinformation?
How can news outlets and industry practitioners address news literacy gaps in the face of an infodemic.
Zeroes and Ones: The career change you never saw coming
A frustrated restaurateur and a bored librarian turn in their knives and catalogues in exchange for careers as technologists, taking part in building out the tools that power digital media at NPR.
Want engagement? You have to PUSH it!
To get your audience super engaged: You have to PUSH it!